Certified-Professional Aerial Applicator Safety Steward
As the agricultural aviation industry's flagship professional certification program, C-PAASS promotes safety and application accuracy. This annual certification is offered solely to individual ag pilots who would like to demonstrate to customers, regulators and the public their commitment to safety and professionalism.
Professional Aerial Applicator Support System
A yearly education program like no other, PAASS is created by and given by ag pilots. New content on relevant topics each year covers key safety and drift mitigation issues important to flying, modern agriculture and crop protection. The conscious decision to educate rather than regulate inspired PAASS, hence the motto: "Upon the performance of each rests the fate of all."
NAAA is working hard to develop a catalog of safety, human factors and environmental professionalism courses for aerial applicators. All available at no cost to NAAA members.
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1440 Duke Street
Alexandria VA 22314
© 2025. National Agricultural Aviation Association