Avoiding Wire Strike Accidents
- Non-member - $200
- Member - Free!
The basics of vision science and why wires need to be treated as an invisible hazard. Learn how to use support structures and hardware to determine the location of wires and ways to respond correctly. Classroom and dual cockpit instruction video provide supplementary training on how to scout for wires and apply safely around them. This course is based on the 2022-2023 PAASS Program's Human Factors module.
Duration: 2 hours
Course ID: 24-HF-01
Note: If you are seeking C-PAASS credit, note that in-person completion of the Flying in the Wire and Obstruction Environment course (at Expo, a state meeting, etc.) satisfies this requirement and taking this online course is NOT REQUIRED. You will submit a copy of your in-person course completion certificate (provided by Utilities / Aviation Specialists) with your C-PAASS application.
This course's content falls within the following sections of the Agricultural Airman's Guidelines (AAG):
137.V - Ferry and Approach to the Working Area
-- C - Working Area Assessment
137.VII - Application
-- A - Determination of Flight Pattern
-- H - Obstructions
-- I - Trim Passes
137.XII - Special Emphasis Areas
-- A - Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT)
This course's content falls within the following sections of the National Aerial Applicator's Manual (AAM):
Chapter 2 - Operation and Application Safety
-- 2.3 - Application Safety
Chapter 6 - Making an Aerial Pesticide Application
-- 6.2 - Checking the Application Site