The Impact of Each Droplet - Part 1
- Non-member - $50
- Member - Free!
A spray application (platform-agnostic) primer in droplet size terminology and industry standards. Topics covered include droplet size statistics, droplet spectrum categories, coverage and drift potential. As the first course in a same-titled series, it lays the foundations for more in-depth courses centered around optimizing aerial spray applications.
Duration: 30 minutes
Course ID: 24-EP-01
This course's content falls within the following sections of the Agricultural Airman's Guidelines (AAG):
137.II - Preflight Planning
-- B - Product to be Sprayed
-- J - Spray System Calibration, Characterization and Measurement
This course's content falls within the following sections of the National Aerial Applicator's Manual (AAM):
Chapter 3 - Preventing Pesticide Drift
-- 3.1 - Factors that Contribute to Drift

Brad Fritz, PhD
Research Leader
USDA-ARS Aerial Application Technology Research Unit
Dr. Brad Fritz is an agricultural engineer and serves as the Research Leader of the USDA ARS Aerial Application Technology Unit in College Station, Texas. His areas of research include spray drift measurement and methods of mitigation, understanding the role spray nozzles and formulations play in the droplet size being applied and optimizing aerial application technologies and methods to enhance on target deposition and reduce off-target impacts. He is an active member of a number of professional organizations including the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, the American Society of Testing and Materials, the American Mosquito Control Association, and the National Agricultural Aviation Association.