The Impact of Each Droplet - Part 2
- Non-member - $50
- Member - Free!
Building on the fundamentals from Part 1, this course introduces the aerial atomization models and the five key factors in determining droplet size: airspeed, nozzle type, orifice size, deflection and pressure. The models are used to illustrate the impact each factor has on droplet size, cementing the understanding required to effectively utilize the models in configuring a spray system for a target droplet spectrum category.
Duration: 30 minutes
Course ID: 25-EP-01
This course's content falls within the following sections of the Agricultural Airman's Guidelines (AAG):
137.II - Preflight Planning
-- B - Product to be Sprayed
-- J - Spray System Calibration, Characterization and Measurement
This course's content falls within the following sections of the National Aerial Applicator's Manual (AAM):
Chapter 3 - Preventing Pesticide Drift
-- 3.1 - Factors that Contribute to Drift
-- 3.2 - Minimizing Off-Target Drift
Chapter 4 - Aerial Pesticide Dispersal Systems
-- 4.1 - Dispersal System Requirements
-- 4.2 - Liquid Dispersal System Components